The lights went out in the building for about 20 minutes, it was warm even though it was air conditioned, there were kids everywhere (which scare me a bit, btw), no food for Mum all day, my dinner was delayed by three hours...we left at 11:30 and got home at 7:30.
Crating space was extremely limited, we were packed in there like sardines while waiting for our runs. Gracie had to stay home since there was no extra crating space...so Mum called our wonderful neighbor to let her out, feed her dinner with the kitties, and play with her a bit, at about 5:00 PM. Thank dog, we have our terrific neighbor to help us out sometimes.
We didn't Q in Standard, although most of my run was really speedy. Right off the start I had to do a dog walk that was really close to all the kids in the stands...I made it through without launching off the dogwalk 'cause Mum made sure I paid attention to her. Whew!!!! But I popped my weaves really bad, so no Q.
I Q'd in Jumpers, but we left before seeing the results. I was speedy on parts, but my weaves were tentative. We'll have to see what today brings to know more about why. But I think Mum was hovering a bit.
Today the kids won't be there and we'll have the entire building for the trial. Should be a lot better, and we shouldn't have to be there so late.
Gracie was really happy to see us when we got home. And we really missed her!
On a few other topics...the article that Mum, Gracie and I were interviewed for about dog car safety was picked up by lots of other online news sites. We've had bunches of new visitors to our blog in the past 24 hours and we want to welcome them and thank them for stopping by!
And for the shameless plug - don't forget to visit our main website - JohannTheDog.com - where you can find really cool stuff for really cool dogs, K? We're in the process of completely redoing the site, so this may be one of the last times you see our crude first website!
We're going to have some big news to share next week. Something we knew was coming, that we got in the mail last week, and something you'll be seeing in all the pet stores in a week or two!!! So stand by.
Gracie and I are signed up with a couple of top trainers for seminars in a couple of weeks - Stuart Mah for me, and Mary Ellen Barry for Gracie. Pending their OK, we hope to have lots to blog about on what we learn at their seminars. Should be really fun and we're looking forward to working with these top handlers.
OK, time for us to get ready for the trial today. Hope all of you have a great weekend, and we look forward to reading up on everyone's antics come Monday!
Wow, you guys are famous now! We've given you an award and you can pick it up at http://blog.ourdoglog.com
ReplyDeletehave a great Sunday and good luck at the trials.
Chris, Abby, Rosie and the kitties