Friday, September 05, 2008

Second series of DogTown starts tonight!

From the DogTown website...
Every year, countless numbers of dogs are given up on. They are unwanted, abandoned for medical or behavioral reasons, the result of extreme abuse, or the unfortunate victims of circumstance, many of these dogs will be unable to find permanent homes, and euthanized when individuals and institutions throughout the country, and the world, are unable to care for them any longer. For many of these dogs, Dogtown represents a dog’s last chance for redemption, hope, or survival. Dogtown is a last resort.

DOGTOWN follows these dogs from their initial arrival at Best Friends, through their various medical and/or behavioral transformations, all the way through adoption, a lifetime spent at Dogtown, or in rare medical cases, death. While most of these dogs deserve homes—unfortunately, not all will find them.

Through the eyes of various Dogtown staff members, The National Geographic Channel will follow these dogs’ stories—learning different methods to combat behavioral issues, and various symptoms and treatments for a myriad of medical conditions, with the hope that eventually, these dogs will undergo a transition that somehow makes them, more ‘adoptable.’
The premiere starts tonight, 9:00 PM ET on National Geographic. In the the first episode you'll meet the brave and gentle dogs who once belonged to ex-NFL-player Michael Vick, and who now live here at Best Friends. We call them the Vicktory dogs.


  1. We don't get National Geographic... well we could but Mom would have to pay a ton more for it. Have seen a special on Best Friends before-- great place!

  2. We made Mom watch (not very hard to do) and our favorite was Meryl. What about you? Woofs, Kharma and Zelda

  3. Aw poo, we don't get the Nat'l Geographic Channel. Mom is cheap!



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