Wow! Johann's Howling Howliday Giveaway is really going well! We have 29 entrants to date and over 28,000 votes cast. There's still plenty of time to enter, so be sure and get your pics in, so folks can start voting for ya!
Boxes have been arriving by the truckload at our house. The goodies are so great, Mum had to put them in the closet so Gracie and I wouldn't help ourselves :)
One of the giveaway arrivals was some great treats and food from Rachael Ray. She has a new line of dog foods and treats on the market called "Rachael Ray Nutrish," all good stuff for your pup. And she donated a really cool holiday stocking to go with the goodies! Thanks Rachael!
We also added some other super cool donations from some great companies in the last week including:
An Official Vick Dog Chew Toy, from Aim To Beginn, LLC
A fun, colorful, hand-made key chain, designed by Pop Dog Press. donated a bag of yummy Punk Rock Dogg’s Hardcore Cookies.
HCI Books is providing a copy of one of their new books 'Rover, Get off Her Leg!'
Big Paw Designs donated a $20 gift certificate.
And CampRunAPup is giving each winner a deer antler chew!
We are incredibly overwhelmed by the generosity of all the contributors to our giveaway. They are great folks at great companies - be sure and stop by and say hi to them, K? They ROCK!!!!
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