
Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Three Stooges!

Yep, it's us, The Three Stooges, hanging out in the yard the other day.

Ahh...there is one missing! Where's Wolfie? Oh, he can't come outside, he always jumps the fence and goes after mice on the hill. Someday we hope he learns not to jump the fence, so he can enjoy the outside with us too!

We saw that wacho hawk soaring nearby, of course I had to herd it.

Once I took care of that hawk, it was off to chew on a good stick (which my Auntie Bonnie, vet, says I'm not supposed to do, bad for my toofers. Oh well, a little won't hurt, right? I gotta be a dog!).

Of course Gracie, being the good girl that she is, kept an eye on Wiggy.

Wiggy absolutely loves our sage. I think he thinks it's catnip, silly cat (although sage is from the catnip family, so maybe he's smarter than we think :)

Gracie was watching the bees up in the Redbud, which is blooming right now!

After a little bird herding, I took a little break and watched all the activity.

And here's one last shot of my kittie bro, Wiggy. He's kinda cute for a cat :)


  1. Johann! Woo luks a little skaree in a cuple of doze piktures!

    Gus and Waldo

  2. Those are great pics! I love one of the cat with his head in the sage...looks like he just passed out there. ha

  3. what fun family photos. We have rain and mud! that hawk comes every year, doesn't he? does your mum still think he will steal you? I bet Gracie wouldn't let him do that.
    your pal, Morgan


Thanks for barking in!