
Thursday, April 30, 2009


Being the herding breed that I am, I have to say that I'm a bit fascinated with this Treibball sport.

We understand the sport has actually been around since about 2003 in Germany, and officially became a dog sport in 2008 with competitions held there. (If any of my European friends have more info, feel free to leave in the comments :).

From what we can gather, the ultimate goal is for the dog to herd eight large balls into a soccer like net as quickly as possible. These balls originate from a formed triangle in the center of a field. But we see other variations as well - herding through obstacles, lanes, and more.

What I like is that it's something new and fun to learn - and would be great to work on even inside during the heat of summer or cold of winter. Inside I could learn to herd those balls around tables and chairs, before venturing outside to wider spaces.

We found a few sites (use that may be of interest:
  • This site, Treibball, has some links to starting training, exercises, a blog and more.
  • And here's a Wiki that explains some about the sport, which we believe is also called 'Drift Ball' from what we can gather from translations. This site also has some tips on what rewards are important in teaching Treibball.
Here's a vid to enjoy, as well!


  1. Wat a cool sport! We have a naybur dat wood be awwwsum at dis game!

    Gus and Waldo

  2. OH, Geez..... I would sooo love to try that!
    your pal, Morgan

  3. thanks for posting this. I've been searching the internet for a reference to this sport. I wanted to tell my canine freestyle teacher about it and I'd forgotten what it was called.

  4. thanks for posting this. I've been searching the internet for a reference to this sport. I wanted to tell my canine freestyle teacher about it and I'd forgotten what it was called.


Thanks for barking in!