Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Howling Howliday Contributor Spotlight - K9 Yard Patch!

You know how green I am, so we were super happy when the nice folks at K9 Yard Patch wanted to donate three bags of their innovative grass seed to Johann's Howling Howliday Giveaway!

The company says their lawn and turf patch products (which they have for a variety of regions) are designed to be safe for the environment using the highest quality organic products that naturally condition and repair the soil while retaining moisture for rapid germination of the seed. We sure like that good for the environment, stuff!

And their products have the Gardening Club Seal of Approval!

Thanks K9 Yard Patch, we sure appreciate your participating in my Howliday Giveaway!! Some lucky pup is going to have a nice full lawn next year!

1 comment:

  1. That is my mom's dream come true! Not that she wants a pretty yard, she just gets tired wiping mud goobers off of our shaggy butts! BOL
    We were gonna ask you what you knew about that stuff,and now we know. I think we are gonna order some of that stuff come spring.
    your pal, Morgan


Thanks for barking in!

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