Mum is catching up on work, but we took a little time this afternoon to take a little hike back by the ponds.
The weather has been really nice the past two days since we got back. Highs only in the 90s, which means that the mornings and later afternoons are more in the 80s with low humidity. Super nice relief from the 95's we've had for months. But we still needed some custom water bottles with us to keep hydrated!
Guess there has been a lot going on around the property since we got back. We went back to the ponds and found two big logs that were placed on the path. Nice place to take a little break and look out on the pond. Mum just had to get a pic :)

Hope you are all having a great week, Hey, tomorrow is hump day and you know what that means for us dogs, BOL!
Hey glad to hear y'all are back and looking forward to hearing about your trip!