
Saturday, April 28, 2012

More about that music stuff...

I'm getting to be a pretty good drummer now...

So I was just wondering if the four leggers in the family may wanna get the 'band back together'! (If you're old enough, it's one of Mum's favorite lines from an old movie), BOL!

I could see it on drums, Wolfie on keyboards, Wiggy singing ('cause he likes to meow real loud a lot late at night when Mum's trying to get to sleep). And oh that Gracie, she needs an uber cool guitar with Elixir, fur sure!

I see dogs on the interwebs doing all kinds of singing, playing piano and other instruments, dancing and more! I think we could do it, don't you? BOL!

So if you forgot how good I can's a little reminder :). Fun stuff! (you'll have to furgive Mum, she went wild with the clicker on this one, sheesh!).

1 comment:

  1. Watch out or you mom will have you busking for money on a street corner!


Thanks for barking in!