
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Paws crossed!

Ok, my sis is such a girl!!!

She isn't usually very girly. More of a tom boy like my Mum I guess. (although I've seen Mum all spiffied up before and yep, she's a girl and she cleans up pretty doggone good!!).

But Mum and I like more tom boy stuff, not sure if that's the right word, but you know....girls that aren't afraid to get dirty, will zoom with me, hike with me, take a dip in the stream with me, and run in smelly horse arenas doing agility. You know the type....

So when we see Gracie doing this...

...Mum and I always shake our heads. Such a girl thing, don't you think? And she does it nearly every time she lies down! 

Bet she will even do it after a nice swim in our summer pool (which we can't wait for Mum to set up, along with that pool safety fence). 

Is it summer yet, is it!

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