Sunday, December 15, 2013

Black and White Sunday: Fog and Jedi Knights!

This time of year we have lots of weather changes on our mountain. From snow, to lots of rain, to lots of fog!  It can be cold one day and warm the next! The other day is was super foggy So foggy that I could barely see trees within about six feet. When it's really foggy like this Mum and I like to go out into the yard at night and use our flash light as a lightsaber and play Jedis!


  1. That sounds like fun good idea! Love Dolly

  2. I bet that's a FUN flash light. Be safe when you do your hiking adventures. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. Haha! Sounds like fun!!!, great pic!
    We are #34 I'm the hop, come on by!!

  4. BOL...I bet that's loads of fun!

  5. Looks like you have a fun household!

    -Livvie from

  6. LOL! I will have to try the Jedi Knight thing next time we get a bit of fog. At least you have variety Johann. Does Gracie join in too?

  7. BOL! Thanks all, we do have a lot of fun together. Mum even likes to make that vrrooommmmmm sound when she moves her lightsaber around and tries to catch me!

  8. That sounds like fun to do in the fog. Your mother has a great sense of fun.

  9. May the force be with you!! We're reading back through all your agility posts...we got a live one who is prime for it:) Happy Pawlidays!!

  10. Too funny! Have fun, you cutie. Much love, The Scottie Mom.


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