From modest beginnings in 1992, National Homeless Animals’ Day and Candlelight Vigils, commemorated on the third Saturday of August each year, have grown enormously in both number and content. Animal Rights/Welfare organizations, as well as individuals from around the world have taken part in the event to increase public awareness of this issue.
For the sixth year in a row, ISAR is sponsoring their annual online candlelight vigil. Be sure and stop by their website to post messages in memory/honor of those affected by the pet overpopulation crisis.
And for information on events surrounding National Homeless Animal Day in your area, click here!
ISAR, the first organization in the world to use the term Animal Rights in a corporate name, was founded in 1959 to expose and end the injustice of the exploitation of animals and the suffering inflicted on them. There's a commitment in ISAR's name: to bring about rights for animals, the right not to be made victims because they are weak and defenseless.
ISAR believes that because of their sentient nature, animals have rights that are denied them in law and daily life. Animals share more than the planet with humans. Like us, they are capable of knowing pain, fear and other suffering.
Hi Johann.. thank u for stopping by at my blog... love the thing u do here.. is so meaningful.. and we don't have anything like this in our country.. guess we shld start it now..
Golden Rossi
Been off line during the week - but have just added a link to DWN News for this. Thanks for posting about it on your blog.