Monday, September 24, 2007


Since Mum's a marketing consultant to technology companies she's always reading about local technology companies. She was reading recently about a tech company in town that does some pretty stuff.

It's called Vontoo voice messaging. Vontoo helps you create, send, and track voice messages to people who want to hear from you, like customers that have opted in to receiving news and other types of communications. It doesn't require the additional purchase of software or hardware to use the technology. And I would expect it to be a little more efficient than email and more personal in some ways. I also like the fact that it is permission based and satisfies and follows the national and local Do-Not-Call regulations.

Vontoo is working with the Boston Celtics to help them increase game attendance. And it seems to be working as described on their site.

This would be such a cool thing to occasionally send some woofs to our customers. Maybe use it to wish them Happy Holidays since the Holidays are just around the corner. Maybe I could even sing a little Howl-a-day song for them, like I do to the tornado siren every Friday at test time, and Gracie could woof in, too!

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