The judge told me that if I decided to rerun, if I nq'd, I basically nq'd, and he was basically right. But lots of my buds told me - no that's not right! You just run for time. There were other AKC judge friends there, so we asked them and really got what seemed like different answers from all three. I'm sure it's because the rules are written a bit vaguely.
What happens if I run and knock a bar, or miss a contact, or, heaven forbid, pop out of the weaves, or go off course? We wanted to know, so we looked it up on the AKC website.
Now if it ever happens to you, we can all make a much more informed decision. Mum certainly doesn't regret that we didn't run for time by any means. Because no matter what the rules she wouldn't have had me run again since I was sore from the face plant during the run. But, for next time here are the rules, directly from the AKC Rule Book:
Stopwatch/E-timer Malfunctions:So, there you have it!
Sometimes a stopwatch/e-timer or a timer’s thumb will malfunction. The timer should be instructed to make sure the watch/console is running by looking at it each time a dog crosses the start line.
• If the watch/e-timer is not running, the timer shall blow the whistle or press the horn button if the handler has not completed the first 3 obstacles. Any faults incurred by the dog in the first three obstacles remain in place. Judging of the performance on the restarted course would begin on the obstacle beyond those obstacles completed when the malfunction was signaled.
• If the malfunction is discovered after the third obstacle, the timer shall not blow the whistle nor press the horn button and shall allow the dog to compete the run, notifying the judge at the end of the run. If the dog had a qualifying score based on course faults the first time through, the dog shall be rerun for time only. The handler will have the option of restarting the course immediately, at the end of the jump height, or at the end of the class (if the dog is already at the end of its jump height.) If there is a videotape that shows the start and end clearly and the handler wishes to
use it for determination of the dog’s time, the judge may time the dog’s performance on the tape, thus avoiding a rerun.
Prior to a rerun for time, the handler must be briefed that:
• The dog had a qualifying score and any course faults that may have been incurred remain in place for the dog’s final score.
• The judge must determine ahead of time whether the dog clearly completed the course under standard course time. If it was clear, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the dog was under time, the judge shall instruct the handler that the dog’s time will be the lesser of the actual rerun time or standard course time. If it was unclear to the judge as to whether the dog completed the course under standard course time, then the judge shall instruct the handler that the rerun time will be used regardless of
whether is was close to the dog’s original time or not.
• In the event that it is clear to the judge that the dog had made course time, beyond a shadow of a doubt, on its first time through the course, the judge may assign standard course time if the exhibitor does not wish to rerun.
• In a rerun, the dog must perform all obstacles completely (including all weave poles, the entire 5 second table count in the standard class, and ascending and descending each contact obstacle). The 4-paw rule is not in effect on a rerun since the dog must perform all obstacles.
• Dogs shall not be faulted for any course faults while they are on a rerun. The dog’s original score remains in place and the new time is added to the scribe sheet.
• Handlers and dog should perform the rerun in a safe manner.
A dog that does not complete all obstacles in a rerun, or a handler who runs his or her dog in an unsafe manner solely trying to get a better time, shall be given an “E” and excused.
A dog shall be eliminated for fouling the ring during a re-run
What I think this means is that if I did run again, I would have to complete all the obstacles - so if I popped out of the weaves, I could go back and do them again (it would take up time, but...); I'd need to get my contacts; and I think(?) I could knock a bar, and I could go off course and still Q. Any thoughts out there?
Note to self: Tape all my runs, it may help in a situation like this! I also have to note that I thought it was funny that a timer's thumb would malfunction, didn't you? I had a toe malfunction once - it was dislocated! BOL!
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