Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Calendar boy!

Mum has an item for her Christmas list! It's me on a calendar! Yep, that's right - little 'ole me, 12 months out of the year. And that would be for downstairs. Upstairs? Gracie. And in the office? The kitties of course.

She takes lots of photos of us throughout the year, for nearly every event, nearly every agility trial, nearly every funny thing we do. So instead of buying a store bought calendar, she's gonna get a Custom Calendar.

Mum may even look into doing a JohannTheDog calendar for our great customer friends. They would make a fun, unique and affordable way to say thanks for the year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Handsome I'm blushing... I told mama I wanna Johann Calendar

    Oh and I'm tickled pink you gave me a special treat!

    Lots of Love Licks Crikit sashaying out xo


Thanks for barking in!

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