Neither one of us is the type to keep a lot of things around - I have one toy I love (which Gracie destroyed the other day, grrrrr); and Mum has a few things around that she keeps from friends and family that she feels keeps her connected with them.
Our neighbors have an amazing Howard Miller grandfather clocks, that has been handed down through their family for generations. It has a beautiful bong to it, it almost sings. Of course I bark at that one too. Maybe a better clock for me would be one of those cuckoo clocks - they usually have birds that announce the time, and I really love birds. But I'm sure I would bark at that one, as well, but at least for a purpose!
Our neighbors, like Mum, really cherish their heirloom. Mum wonders occasionally, what will be the heirloom that she hands down? Will it be Mum's Grandmum's clock? Another clock? Or will it be something else that Mum has cherished over the years. Telling time is always a good thing to hand down to your descendants, that way they will always remember and think of you, hour, after hour, after hour.
Great post! FYI, I noticed the following 2 links are broken 1. Howard Miller grandfather clocks , and 2. cuckoo clocks