We've been using an Olympus Camedia digital camera (bought in 2004) for our videos-horrible quality since it's really a digital camera. But, now we can have such improved quality of our vids - so much so that maybe Mum can actually see how I'm doing out on the course!
We researched a lot before buying this one. It's a Sony DCR-SR62, has a 30G HD, 25x zoom, touchscreen, blah, blah, blah. We like the hard drive capabilities. It's very easy to use, plops right on the tripod, downloads right into our Adobe Premiere Elements software for editing (which also uploads straight to YouTube, BTW) with a USB, or we can burn right to a DVD, and we didn't have to buy anything in addition - no cables, no nothing. We bought it through Amazon, since Mum had a gift certificate. The price was pretty good to begin with and we got free shipping.
So we're pretty psyched. We're taking it to the Silvia Trkman seminar this coming week...and ask her permission to video some of the seminar.
can't wait to see your new vid with the new gadget...