Mum's preference are herding breeds. Why? Because she loves the wacky, crazy, wild side of us herders. It kind of fits with Mum's personality, which says a lot, BOL!
But some of our friends prefer other dog breeds , for a wide variety of reasons and we totally respect that. Some of our friends like Beagles, some like Lurchers, some like Dalmations, some like German Shepherds. And for those that have a mixed taste, there are even mixed breeds of us pups. Thankfully, there is any type of dog for any type of person.
Mum admits it. She didn't do a lot of research into the different types of breeds that would be suitable for her lifestyle before she adopted me. Bad Mum! All she knew was that she wanted a pup to do things with, go places with, and have fun with. But it was fate, we think, that she found me and I fit her like a glove. She was lucky, and so was I.
Now that Mum's wiser she highly recommends that folks do their research when looking for a pup. There is so much we could say about this subject, but in general...will the pup fit with their lifestyle, fit well in their home and environment, will the personality of the pup be the type that gets along with the family. It's really important for a long lasting and happy relationship.
When it comes time to add a pup to your home, we highly recommend doing your research. And we highly recommend doing your research about where you'll be getting the next addition to your happy family. Research your breeder, talk to them, visit them. Do they raise pups as part of the family, just as you will be doing. The nice thing about getting your next pup from a responsible breeder is that you will always have a resource to help you through life with your pup, always have someone you can turn to for questions and answers, and always have someone who cares about your pup, just as much as you do.
And if you decide to adopt from a shelter, like my Mum did, be sure and visit them, talk with them, and find out how they treat their pups needing new homes. Mum did that, and she is extremely grateful for all the hard work, care, and concern that my shelter pays to their rescues. They work tirelessly to find just the right pup for just the right home.
fate do play a big part sometimes... i was adopted by ms owner without her viewing me 1st...bad dog owner!
ReplyDeletepreviously she got a couch potato dog, so both of them spend the weekend cuddling up infront of the tv..
when she got me the crazy mutt, we're exploring the jungle every weekend!!