Saturday, May 17, 2008

We're getting closer!

We're back from the trial yesterday! Not a bad day, no Q's, but we're getting closer!

We were at an indoor facility north of Cincinnati, Ohio. A new place for us. We liked the flooring, it was soccer turf, soft with cushion beads in it, soft on my paws and not a bad place to run at all.

My first run was Standard. We started out pretty good, speedier than before, but still not up to my usual speed. When I got to the weaves, I wasn't sure about my footing on this new flooring, so I popped out, then Mum got ahead of me and did a silly front cross before the table, trying to get me down on the table and pointing in the right direction for the next obstacle. Well, I ended up taking an off course jump, which Mum knew was her fault. She liked the ambition!

So no Q for that run. After that Mum was anxious to see what I would do with the weaves in my JWW run. Nice course, flowing and open. Definitely not up to my usual speed, but I made the weaves, and the run looked really clean until I turned super tight and went back in the tunnel, second to the last obstacle. Oops!

Mum and I weren't unhappy with the day, she was happy with a little bit more speed (maybe I need to build muscle more, hmmm...) and ambition, I was happy just to be running! We go back on Sunday, tomorrow, for another try! Wish us luck!

Here are the vids from the runs. Not great, but not too shabby, we are getting closer to breaking our unlucky streak. I can just feel it!


  1. you will do good tomorrow, because it will be all familiar and stuff, and you'll say to yourself "oh,I've been here before" and then u will get those Q's. its a sheltie thing...
    your pal Morgan

  2. no worries johann.... treat friday was a warm-up day..

    i'm sure sunday will be your day


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