Can Stem Cell therapy help pups with hip dysplasia, orthopedic problems in tendons and ligaments, and bone fractures and arthritis? Seems pets are reaping the benefits in droves.
Want to see some really cool 3D flash animation? Check this one and this one!
Tired of that old standard ringtone? Try out these dogs! And here's one more from DogChannel.com.
Pet detectives are on the tails of the lost pups. Two Baltimore area sluths are helping owners find their lost best friends!

Gracie is a reactive dog at times, the overly-friendly and playful reactive kind. So Mum is always looking for ways to be more 'connected' with her and help her be 'controlled' in new and exciting environments. Brenda Aloff’s Get Connected training philosophy helped put Victoria Craig and her border collie on the path to developing a strong and stable relationship. The book jacket says "the book brings you new ways to train your dog and to improve your understanding of how your dog perceives the communications you give to him. This is done by providing you with a series of exercises based on Positive Reinforcement training and a new set of protocols based on developing and improving any relationship." I think we'll check that out!
Ever since my 'incident' with the kids in the neighborhood, I have been pretty scared of the little guys and gals. It's so important to not only protect your pup from the environment around them, but it's really important that kid's know how to act around us pups. Here's an interesting article we found with tips to help teach your kids how to 'be' around dogs.
The AKC announced recently an agreement with Twentieth Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising to produce a co-branded pet product line for the upcoming movie Marley & Me. This feature film adaptation of John Grogan’s New York Times bestselling memoir, about his adorable but naughty and neurotic yellow Labrador Retriever, will debut on Christmas day 2008. The products will be sold through Walmart stores.

A new organization, No Paws Left Behind, is a focus driven not for profit organization, designed to bring awareness to the silent victims of foreclosure. They further pledge to act as a support group for those who find foreclosure imminent and need help to find shelter for their beloved pets; be a resource for those who find or know of abandoned pets; and last, but by no means least, they are uniting to end the needless suffering by creating a national movement targeting lawmakers to change the laws categorizing pets as personal property.
Want to make your four-legged friend a StarPet? Enter Tails Pet Media Group and celebrity pet trainer Bash Dibra new contest - StarPet 2008. The contest is geared toward getting one lucky animal companion the free training she needs to make it in the movies.
A new product coming on the market is a tiny camera on your pet's collar to let you see through the eyes of your cat or dog while you're away, or while they tour the neighborhood on your walkies! The Pet Eye View Digital Camera is scheduled to arrive in stores October 2008!
National Geographic Channel's Dogtown is returning with the season premiere that follows the rehabilitation of the Michael Vick Dogs. The two-hour season premiere will be held on Friday, September 5, at 9 PM, and new episodes air every Friday at 10 PM beginning September 12! Wonder what happened with some of the other Vick dogs? Read this from the Washington Post.
According to the LATimes, LA Unleashed blog, an Associated Press-Yahoo News poll found pet owners favor McCain over Obama 42% to 37%, with dog owners particularly in McCain's corner.

TISSUE ALERT! Our blogging and Twitter friend - SewCrazyDogLady - pointed this cool story to us, and Snopes.com says it's true! In 1969 two men, Australian John Rendall and his friend Ace Berg, bought Christian the lion from Harrods. But Christian eventually grew too big to be kept as a pet in London and was taken to Kenya, where he was rehabilitated into the wild by the 'Lion Man', George Adamson. See this clip of their reunion years later. Read more about Christian's life, see the movie and read the book!
Want to make some cool animated vids of your pups? Check out Animoto.com!
Are you mad about dog agility? Can't find enough info about agility on the Internet? Thanks to AgilityNerd.com, you can now search for all kinds of dog agility information through Googility.com! Check it out.
Want to win some cool dog stuff? Enter FetchDog's new Great Dog Products Sweepstakes! But hurry, contest ends July 31st.
Want to ping all your social networking sites and blog(s) in one place? Check out Ping.fm!
Gotta cold? Teach your dog to get you a tissue!
Check out these two key Animal Planet shows today and tomorrow. Sit, Stay, Die is about Scamp, a 4 year old Schnauzer, who has predicted the death of 58 residents in a nursing home in Ohio over the last 3 years with near 100% accuracy! Is Skamp psychic or is there a more scientific explanation for his behavior? 9:30 PM ET. And...the Animal Planet Dog Championships 2008, from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania will air at 7:00 PM, ET.
You may have known that not all pups know how to swim. They will most probably instinctively paddle, but keeping afloat and knowing how to get out of the pool or pound is something they may need to learn. Read this to teach your dog to swim! And check out my Squidoo lens for more info.
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