This weekend Mum and I did lots of work on our Squidoo lenses. They're having a contest of sorts, and if you had 100 quality lenses completed by June 30th, you have the opportunity to be named to the Giant Squidoo Top 100 club. So we went for it! We finished up our 100th lens at 5:00 PM on Monday, and sent in our 'application.' We should hear in a week or two.
We created some really fun lenses - one on dog painting, prison dogs, deaf dogs, dogs and t

And we got in some hiking, some present and treat giving for my birthday - and Mum even let me run agility in the back yard for my birthday! Can you believe it? BOL!
In other news :) We got an email the other day from a parent looking for a dog to perform at her child's birthday party in August. So Gracie's going to do it!!!! She's going to do some tricks, some agility, and leap for the water coming from their garden hose. We sent off her 'audition tapes' from YouTube and they were very excited. We're excited too, because now both us pups in the family are making some bucks for agility! Woo hoo!
Mum had let our lawn go so long, because of work and agility, she was afraid that the Home Owners Association would send out the lawn police. But we finally got it mowed today. Mum had to mow back and forth several times, and that hill behind our house (which is great for my hill training) is a bear to mow. She's exhausted now.
This week at Rescue Me is sheep week - stop by and see if there are any sheep you'd like to adopt!
So the big week is here!!!! Tomorrow Mum and I are attending a Stuart Mah seminar all day. Gracie has a sitter to keep her company. Then we are competiting at the USDAA North Central Regionals on Friday through Sunday - including our first 3-dog team event. Gracie will be there to cheer me on! May have to get that plasma mount, so we can watch the vids in style!
Then on Monday, Gracie and Mum are doing a seminar with Mary Ellen Barry. And they said that I could tag along and mostly audit - but I may get to do some stuff.
I guess this means that we're taking a little vacation!
We have been incredibly sad that we've been so busy and haven't been able to visit with everyone - we sure hope stuff lets up soon so we can get back to reading your blogs (well, not the agility stuff, but the other stuff). And thanks to everyone for sending me the cool birthday wishes!!!! You all the best friends a pup could ask for, fur sure!
If we don't see ya, or talk to ya - hope you have an amazing 4th of July weekend (well, those in the US anyway). And for those not in the US - hope you have a great weekend! Everypup - stay safe, K? Those fireworks can be scary sometimes!
I can't wait till my mom visits your new lenses 'cause she always finds good stuff there. She checked out Mary Ellen's site too and loved her articles--all I know is that means more treats and fun for me! Woofs, Kharma
ReplyDeleteJohann, I love reading your blog and sometimes I've looked at your lenses - love them - but today is the first time I've visited your site. You are such a busy dog! I really like the look of the cans of green tripe. I've put in a question about whether it would be feasible to order some of them from Australia. (I'll have to check with out quarantine, though - we have extraordinarily tough regulations.)
ReplyDeleteJohann, I can't believe it is July either. Ugh. I want summer to last longer not fly by so quickly. Sounds like you are staying busy as always.
ReplyDeleteWow you sure are a busy guy! Last Friday we were at a Jen Pinder seminar and I had a blast. I think she liked me too. She talked to Mom a little bit about me! Then last weekend we went up to NJ for some Earthdog, which I love even more than agility 'cause they have rats we can bark at. Now if agility had rats in it, I'd run faster than a border collie to get to 'em!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck at regionals -- we're going to a trials down the road Saturday and Sunday. It'll be a big weekend I'm sure!