We got back kind of early from the trial yesterday since we were just 5 minutes from the trial site and it was an AKC trial with two runs for each day. That was so great!
I had a pretty good weekend. 2 Q's, 2 NQ's. Our first run was Standard and really nice and speedy, but Mum didn't support me through the tunnel, so I pulled out early when she took off for the next set of jumps. Dang, oh, so close! And I was just a tad under 4 yards per sec on this run - really happy with that!
My next Jumpers run was pretty nice, but Mum had to do two front crosses to handle me best. Did I tell you how much I hate her doing front crosses? Yep, probably because she doesn't do them right, because she really can't get in the best position with me moving like I am now. We locked eye to eye on both of them, and I gave her the hate stare. Made her eyes pop! I Q'd but both Mum and I weren't happy with the run.
Sunday I got up raring to go again. Mum just can't believe my stamina now. After doing a seminar Wednesday past, then regionals for three days and another seminar on Monday and practice on Thursday, I ought to be dog tired. But noooo.....let me at that course!!!
Sunday's Standard run was a disaster. I blew my dog walk (after making it beautifully the day before), then Mum turned me out after the Frame and I went really wide (she used the wrong foot to turn me, silly Mum), so I got a refusal, then I think I knocked a bar, but we stopped counting at that point. I was nice and speeding however. Weave speed was just OK. But it's obvious we must, must, must do something about my DW contact, front crosses and a few more things.

When it was time for my last run of the weekend - Jumpers - Mum got out some treats and we worked on target, since that revs me up greatly! I ran jumpers beautifully. Took the rear cross impeccably, and then what did Mum have to do again, yep, a front cross (just before 16). But she was in a better position this time and I didn't give her the evil eye. We had a really nice run.

Then what did I do again this morning? I went to the door that leads to the garage, raring to get in that car and go again! WTD??? Mum couldn't believe it! Guess all that endurance work and rehab has done me well!
But Mum has no intention of doing any agility with me at least until this afternoon. BOL! She's exhausted!!! I've never seen Mum so tired and still trying to get all our work done, clean the house, mow the lawn - she's going to kill herself if she doesn't slow down. Mum's only been getting about five hours of sleep a night for a week. She's even having the eye twitch thing, which she hasn't had since she was a youngin'. I think I may get her a wine refrigerator so she can partake in the evenings and get more rest! She's got to take it easy!!!! But the sad part is Gracie and I aren't really letting her.
But the good news is Mum has loads of work to do this week. She got two new clients last week and they are starting with consulting this week. She's also doing a teleconference with pet sitters to give them some marketing tips on Tuesday night. That should be fun!
We aren't signed up for another trial until August, so Mum should have some time to catch up, rest and keep things running. But she promises both Gracie and I will get our hill hiking and agility practice. She's also teaching the Gracester a few new tricks for her upcoming performance. A little leg weaving, and a couple of other things. Gracie will love that!
Hope you all had a terrific weekend! Sorry the week has come so soon for ya, but have a good one K?
sounds like you had fun. get some rest,OK?