What are the differences? Here's a few...
- UKI features European style courses.
- Most trials will have 4+ classes per dog each day.
- A points-based system to move up through the Levels: Winning classes will progress you quicker, clean rounds will also allow progression.
- Two systems to progress through: International Program – consists of classes from standard Agility, Jumping & Fun Games Classes (including Snooker, Gamblers, Power & Speed, Snakes & Ladders) and; Speed Stakes Program - consists of classes that are smooth, flowing courses made up of jumps and pipe tunnels only.
- Two Jump Height Options - Regular Jump Height for regular competition dogs, and Select Jump Option for older dogs, dogs recovering from injury, or breeds that may find the Regular heights too challenging. (Discussion is ongoing regarding jump height cut-offs). Clean Run is conducting a survey to try to gather information to see if there is a more equitable/accurate way of measuring dogs to determine what height they should jump in agility. Click here to take the survey. You can take the survey for each of your dogs, just close your browser and reload the page via the link.
- Lower and safer A-frame height matching international standards 5’7” (FCI & all GB organizations)
- Up contacts are not judged on any of the contact equipment.
- No triple jumps just ascending doubles
- The UKI home office handles all trial entries and trial processing.
The Purina Incredible Dog Challenge comes to Whistler BC Canada this coming January 8-9, 2010, and featured the following events:
Incredible Avalanche Rescue, Incredible Skijoring, Incredible Dual Course Slalom Racing (30 weave pole, down and back), Incredible Freestyle Flying Disc, Incredible Agility, and the Cross-Country “Paw and Pole” demo ski race. Watch the promo..
Check this out - 16" final at the 2009 AKC Invitational. Dartfish overlay of Luka (Pyrenean Shepherd) and Nika (Australian Shepherd).
Want to quickly and easily complete those AKC trial entries online? Check out Oaklines.
Another cool overlay...this time of Solar and Maverick in the 2009 GP Finals 26"
Viki's channel on YouTube has a bunch of videos from the FCI Agility World Championships.
Reminder on rules for AKC's new event - Time 2 Beat. And be sure and become familiar with the new AKC rules taking affect in January, 2010 (check the inserts).
1. Mixed Breed Classes - Changes to agility (and obedience and rally) regulations adding classes and titles for mixed breed dogs were approved by the AKC Board of Directors at their April meeting. They go into full effect April 1, 2010 and are detailed in the yellow insert. Note that the AKC Board voted to waive the usual prior notice requirement for this topic.
2. New TQX Title - Agility regulation changes creating the TQX title were put before the AKC Board in May and approved at their next meeting in July. They are described in the green insert and go into effect Jan. 1, 2010.
3. Jump Height Cards - Agility regulation changes regarding jump height cards were put before the AKC Board in August and approved at their next meeting in October.
Per the pink insert to the regulations these go into effect Jan. 1, 2010.
No announcement yet on location for USDAA World Agility Championships - Cynosport. Will keep you posted.
We've tried to gather info on upcoming regionals for USDAA...here's what we have so fai (if you have any further info...leave it in the comments and we'll edit the post, thanks!):
SE Regional, June 4-6, 2010, Perry, GA
SW Regional, July 3–5, 2010, Prunedale, CA
SC Regional, August 13-15, Fort Worth, TX
RM Regional, June 18-20, 2010, UT
NE (Unknown at this time)
NW Regional, July 9-11, 2010, Auburn, WA
NC - Date TBD, Possible dates (September 10-12 or May 7-9) Rochester Hills, MI
UKI sounds interesting. The one thing that comes to mind about Euro courses is THREADLES! And lots of them!
ReplyDeleteThe SC regional is August 13-15 in Fort Worth, TX.
ReplyDeleteThanks Courtney...we'll update the post.