You may remember that Wiggy, my kittie bro, successfully switched to raw food just before we moved to Tennessee. Well, when the move was very close, Mum had to switch him back to canned food because she couldn't get the raw he and Wolfie were eating down here.
We've been trying to find a good, balanced, antibiotic free, hormone free raw mix with all the meat and nutrients he needs down here, but weren't having any luck. So he's been on canned for a while now.
Suddenly last week he started turning up his food, until one day he wouldn't eat it at all, and started the "Big D." We knew in our gut that something was suddenly wrong with that food. Yesterday we found out it has a voluntary recall, sigh...
That Wiggy, he always knows when something is up!
Mum quickly went into action. First she cooked Wiggy and Wolfie some organic chicken for dinner and breakfast, which very surprisingly Wiggy ate with a vengeance, and loved! We thought some other kittie had invaded the Wig-ster, 'cause he would never eat cooked chicken before.
Then Mum searched and searched for a somewhat close source for a high quality mixed raw so we could take this opportunity and try to get him back on a good diet. Mum remembered a friend of ours had mentioned Primal Pet, which meets our criteria, a full mix that is antibiotic and hormone free. We found a store about an hour away that would order it for us and that also had some very high quality canned food, so we could test out some foods.
So Mum, Gracie and I headed over there one day last week. We bought about three or four kinds of high quality canned and ordered the Primal Pet Raw from them, which wouldn't be in for a few days.
Mum and I were crossing our fingers that Wiggy would eat the new canned that we picked up for him. And guess what? He loved all three of the kinds we got, so did Wolfie! Amazing, who is Wiggy now anyway, and what did they do with the old Wig-ster? Who knows, but we are happy!

Wolfie loved the raw from the very beginning, yeah! Mum thinks he's part dog. And the best part is that finicky Wiggy is now up to 3/4 raw and 1/4 canned and gradually getting the hang of the raw thing. Mum's goal is to have him completely off canned by the end of the week and the Wig-ster is progressing very nicely!
We still have a case or two of good canned food on hand, just in case something happens. And we can still order our doggie kibble (in addition to the raw we eat) and the kittie litter, and standby cases of good, healthy kittie food from, who we love, by the way! That free shipping is pawsome!
Needless to say, we are so excited that the kitties are pretty darn close to full out raw meat eaters, yeah!!!
MMMM raw meat is delicious! Those kitties must really love their mealtime now.