Schmoozing is defined by Dictionary.com as the ability to “converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.” In his original post about the award, Mike says that “when it comes to blogging, schmoozing is your ticket to making new friends, getting yourself noticed and building a reputation. Some bloggers are gifted with the ability to schmooze and others not so much. “
This is what Tish had to say about my schmoozing abilities:
"I’m sure you’ve all seen lots of comments from Johann on my blog. As if having the ability to blog isn’t enough, he’s a schmoozer too! He trots around the blogosphere leaving a trail of comments wherever he goes. He’s by far the friendliest blogging dog I’ve ever met!"
Bet she's glad I'm not leaving anything else behind, BOL!!!
Thank you so much Tish!
I now pass the award to these fine bloggers:
Dog's Aye View - We just love Gomer and Opie. And share lots of info and tips with them. They are everywhere we are, and never seem to slow down.
FrogtheDog - Their blog motto is "More fun than you can shake a wet dog at! Frog the Dog - also known as The Pencil Pooch!!" He spends his time helping children throughout the world learn new things. An admiral profession, I must say!
The PetsitUSA.com Blog - I certainly enjoy my buds at PetSitUSA, and Mum has found out that she has occasional parallel lives with some of those folks. That always makes our conversations fun! And they always post very educational items with great info for us pups.
Congrats everyone!
Well deserved, Johann!
ReplyDeleteAnd I love the joke about the leaving a trail of something else behind! haha! I almost put something about that in my post.
I'm checking out your other dog friends as well. I love reading dog blogs!
Yay! We're tail-waggin' happy dogs that you found us and were willing to schmooze with us even before we all became schmoozers!
ReplyDeleteWuf Ya! Gomer & Opie
Well whaddaya know! I've seen the Schmoozer award here and there and am so honored that you awarded it to me! ;) I'll have to pass it along - that's now on my "to do" list.
ReplyDeleteI hope your week is off to a barkingly good start. WOOF!
Gosh, THANKS Johann! that's Schmoozeriffic of you!!
ReplyDeleteThis search for Spiky is taking a lot out of me, but when we find the little guy, I shall be schmoozing up the frogblogdoglog.
Don't forget to send a pic of your fizogg for the DAFTS Gallery - we have an awful lots of CATS on there just now - we need to get even!!