When I was a wee pup, Mum taught me all kinds of fun behaviors - sit, stay, lie down, come and more - but when she got me out in public, it was a whole different story. I was so ill-behaved! So she signed me up for an obedience class, where I could learn with a lot of distractions around me - other dogs, people, commotion.
It really helped. I spent the first two lessons, pulling and barking and wanting to play with the other dogs and humans. But at the end of the class, I was deemed 'most improved'! I even did sit, stay, down and come all with just hand signals from Mum.
I really think that formal dog training classes should be a huge part of our learning experience. And Mum thinks so too. She is considering enrolling Gracie in a formal obedience class to help with her stress and focus. And, she'd make a great Canine Good Citizen candidate.
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