Awww, agility, one of my favorite words in the entire universe, well accept my Mum's of course. We've been training this week on Sunday and on Tuesday at our trainers house.
Sunday, our trainer was at the regionals and needed us to tend to her sheepies. I just love to tend to the sheepies. And sooo want to know when Mum is going to get me on sheep again. All I got to do though was admire them at a distance and through the fence. But even with that, I had 'em moving, you betcha!
Training has been going well. Mum says I've been super speedy, and it feels like she's handling yet another dog. It's been cooler around here lately and I just love that cool weather. We haven't had a trial in a few weeks, and have to say we are really looking forward to the next six weekends in a row.
This weekend, we are off to Ohio for three days. We'll be driving back and forth, 'cause we have to get back on the horse (as they say) after our car accident. Friday is just Exec level, so we can go later and come back earlier.
This weekend we are going for the MX, MXJ - just need one more Q in each - Jumpers and Standard. Our Q rate is sitting at about 65-68%, so the odds are good that we'll get it. Paws crossed!
Mum says once we get that, it's just off to the MACH title which will be awhile. So she's decided after I get my MX, MXJ, she's going to be pushing me harder and faster than ever, 'cause at 16 inches, it's sometimes hard to get those MACH points built up. Most folks would say, well how come she's not pushing me all the time? Yep, good questions. But I have to say that we feel we've just recently got our rhythm down, Mum knows what I can do know, and I'm working much more independently. So she can push me now. And I've only been trialling for about 18 months for goodness sake!
Mum tells folks that I'm a good boy, 'cause when we're off our game, we at least do it all in one day. And we're we on we do that in one day too, so we've been able to accumulate I think 6 or 7 DQ's so far, out of the 9 MX, MXJ legs. We're really happy with that.
After this weekend, we have another AKC trial, then the final USDAA for the year (can you say "I want my MAD this year"!), then three more AKC trials in a row. Should make for an interesting Fall!
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