We were witness to this cruelty first hand a couple of years ago. While our neighbors didn't chain their dog in their yard all the time, they did leave the poor, ailing and sick pup chained out in the heat, with little to no water, very frequently, and many times all day. It tore at our heart. And after countless attempts to get the pup help through the authorities, we were unsuccessful. Now, sadly, we don't see the pup anymore. But we know he is in a much happier place.
There are currently more than 73,000 chained and penned dogs across America. One of the best means of helping these pups is through legislative changes.
The folks at Dogs Deserve Better are working tirelessly to help the chained dog. They are a nonprofit organization dedicated to freeing the chained dog, and bringing 'best friends' into the home and family.
According to Dogs Deserve Better, California, Texas, and Connecticut have limits on tethering, along with over 100 others cities and counties nationwide. In 2007 there were tethering bills proposed in 14 states. Bills failed in Virginia, Maine, Nevada, West Virginia, and Tennessee, but bills are still alive in North Carolina, South Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. If you’re from one of these states, please contact your local representative to encourage them to support the bill. We also encourage you to look into the laws in your city and state, and help however you can to educate your lawmakers.
Dogs Deserve Better is celebrating their 5th Anniversary this year. Visit their site, and get to know about all the great work they are doing, pick up some education materials to share, and visit their shop for some wonderful items, including a 2008 calendar, an amazing holiday card for giving, and wonderful apparel.
We thank their volunteers for the great work they do. Stop by and give them your support, however you can this holiday season. I know they will be uplifted, by your kind words and generosity.
Dogs who race in the Iditarod are forced to live at the end of very short chains. An Iditarod dog handler reported that dogs who don't make the main team are never taken off chain. For more information, please visit the Sled Dog Action Coalition web page http://www.helpsleddogs.org/remarks-abuseinkennels.htm#chaining .