Check out these great carols from TailWaggers.com, they are sure to please. Here is just a sample:
Hark! the Joyous Doggies Call
(to the tune of "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing")
(to the tune of "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing")
Hark! The joyous doggies call
Mama’s returned from the mall
Let us greet her joyfully
While she tries to gain entry
Let us jump and let us yip
Let us make our mama trip
Let us bring her our best toys
Ones that make the squeaky noise
We’re so glad to have her home
All doggies hate to be alone
Hark! The joyous doggies call
Mama has returned from the mall!
This one had me smile. I live it pretty much every day. :-)