Saturday, December 15, 2007

Get your motors running - it's Cat Herders Day!

Ok doggies, it's time to get your motor running, today is Cat Herders Day! I've got my non-skid boots on and I am ready!

No one really knows the origin of Cat Herders Day, but we did find some fun stuff you may want to explore!
  • The phrase herding cats comes from the common saying that something involving coordination of many different groups or people is as difficult as herding cats.
  • Games for the bored: Suburban Cat Herder Game - herd to your hearts content.
  • Herding cats is a 1999 album by Gaelic Storm.
  • Visit the blog The Joy of Cat Herding and get expert advice for solving cat behavior problems.
  • You can get a cool Official Cat Herder shirt, to show off your talent!

And then there is the ubiquitous cat herder video from EDS which aired during the Super Bowl in 2000. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no, Johann, you should never have shown me the address for the online Cat Herders game. I used to endlessly play a game just like this on my old Mac. It was called Maci Game, I think. I'd forgotten about it and now I'm addicted again...


Thanks for barking in!

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