The nice folks at Flappy Dog Toys sent us a couple of samples of

Tuffy Flappy for the tuff pup
Fluffy Flappy for those liking a softer, crinkle touch
Fleecie Flappy for the cozy set
Flossy Flappy to keep those toofers clean and have fun at the same time

We received the Tuffy Flappy for Gracie, and the Fleecie for me, since I love my fleece! Both Gracie and I went completely nuts for them.
Mum decided to show you all my tugging skills out in our backyard between a little agility practice. Then, she was working on getting me revved up for my running dogwalk practice so she used it to entice some speed outta me, and it worked!
Check it out! Oh, and guess where you can get 'em, yep,!
The flowers in your yard look wonderful. I'm glad you have so many sights and smells to enjoy. Our yard is looking great, too. Our roses have been spectacular in pinks, reds, and yellows. But now the gold flowers have taken over--Stella D'Oro and coreopsis.