We're getting close to the April 1st date when mixed breeds will be allowed to compete right along side purebreeds in AKC agility and other companion events. To find out more information about the program, to enroll, get details on entering rally, obedience and agility, and more visit the AKC Canine Partners page on their website.
This is new, now when you do a search for companion events in the AKC events section, there is a checkbox that indicates you can limit searches to those allowing mixed breeds. A quick search for Indiana for the year (that's where we live) shows seven events so far in Indiana during 2010 that will be including Canine Partners in their agility trials. Kudos to the those clubs for allowing all dogs to compete!
We've read in several groups and boards that the Top 5 mixed breeds will be invited to the Invitational (along with the Top 5 of each AKC breed), December 4-5 in Long Beach; as well as go head to head with purebreds at Nationals beginning in 2011.
Activity is heating up for the upcoming AKC National Agility Championships in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at the Ford Truck Arena and Mustang Arena at Expo Square, March 26-28. Visit the AKC website for information on judges for the championships, the Judging/Ring schedule, running order, and how you can volunteer for the event.
A few competition changes will occur this year including:
- All dogs must compete in their measured jump height class or in the 26” jump height class.
- A minimum of 6 dogs will advance in each jump height class to the Finals round regardless of how many dogs were competing at the jump height.
- The National Agility Championship Titles will only be awarded to final round winners with a score of 100.
- There will be a 4” jump height class during Friday’s International State Team Tournament competition.
- AKC announced that dogs competing in the Preferred agility classes will be eligible to compete in the 2010 AKC National Agility Championship. The Preferred and Regular class dogs will compete for separate awards at this event. In order for dogs to compete in the Preferred Class at the 2010 AKC National Agility Championship they must only compete in the Preferred classes from March 1, 2009 through November 30, 2009.
News from USDAA regarding the final regional dates and qualifying period for 2010.
USDAA Regional Dates include: Qualifying events for the 2010 tournament season run from September 14, 2009 through September 10, 2010.
SE Regional - June 4-6 - Perry, GA
RM Regional - June 18-20 - Farmington, UT
NW Regional - July 9-11 - Auburn, WA
SC Regional - August 13-15 -Fort Worth, TX
NE Regional - August 27-29- Logan Township, NJ
SW Regional - September 4-6 - Prunedale, CA
NC Regional - September 10-12 - Rochester Hills, MI
TBA - Spain National Championships
TBA - Japan National Championships
TBA - Latin America Regional Championships, Mexico
2010 USDAA Cynosport® World Games Agility Championships:
October 12 - October 17 - Louisville, Kentucky
The tournament season for the 2010 championships has been reset to run from September 14, 2009 to September 12, 2010, which now includes the second weekend of September. Qualifications earned at U.S. events falling between these dates shall apply to eligibility for the 2010 Cynosport World Games. Note, however, that because of the extension to September 12, persons qualifying the weekend of September 10-12 will be under the gun to get entries in so that they are received by the Tuesday,September 14, closing date for this year's Cynosport championships. Further details will be available this summer.
The 2011 season will begin September 15, 2010.

Also enjoy watching Silvia run her dogs. Here's one of her new pup, Bi, in one of their first trials. Check out the speed on that dogwalk, and the nice save on the weave poles. Nice!
I thought this was really great! A few days ago the ASPCA held their 5th Annual Talent Show to showcase eight dogs, all available for adoption at the ASPCA, and their handlers showing off their unhidden talents for a panel of celebrity judges. What a creative bunch! Here's just one of the vids, go to their YouTube channel to see more.
It's actually April 1st that mixes will be permitted to enter. I just sent in my entry for an April 2nd trial.. I am SO excited!!!
ReplyDeleteSam, you are so right!!! I made the change in the blog post, thank you for pointing it out. And let us know how you liked AKC!!! Can't wait to hear. Luck!!!
ReplyDeleteWoofs, Johann