Monday, February 01, 2010

February is Pet Dental Health Month, take my toofer challenge!

It's that time of year again! Time for Johann's Toofer Challenge!

February is National Pet Dental Health Month - a great time to remember how important it is to take care of our teeth - or as I like to call them toofers - because our teeth are very important to us pups!

Did you know that "more than 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of oral disease by the time they're three years old?" Yep, that's what Dr. Brook Niemiec, a board certified specialist in veterinary dentistry, says.

So just like last year we're puttin' on a challenge!

Even though I eat raw and my teeth stay super white and healthy, Mum still likes to brush my toofers. It's difficult sometimes in the hecticness of our daily lives for our pawrents to remember to brush our teeth. Even Mum sometimes furgets to head to that Grohe faucet, grab my toofer brush and toofer paste and get scrubbing. So here's the challenge....

I challenge you to have your pawrent brush your teeth every day during the month of February.

That's it!

What will this do? It will help your pawrents and you get in the good habit of brushing your teeth often, and cut down on that stupid oral disease stuff that our Docs talk about! And I bet we'll all have much better breath too - and be able to give lots more kisses to our Moms and Dads.

And what will I do? If you decide to sign up for Johann's Toofers Challenge, have your Mum or Dad take a pic of you getting your toofers brushed, post it on your blog, then leave a comment on this post to let me know you're participating. We'll post your pic, your name and link back to your blog - so we can show everyone your pearly whites! No big prizes, just fun!!!

And be sure and grab one of these buttons to add to your blog (and link back to my blog post) to show your support for healthy toofers for all!

So whata ya say? You up for a challenge? Get started and leave me a comment today!

Here's some a few sites with tips and information on brushing your pup's teeth:


  1. I is taking your toofer challenge, Johann!

  2. Fine, you are 100% correct. But what are you doing putting such ideas in my momma's ears? Every day??? This sounds like a month-long sentence. Oh, well, as I said, you're right! Darn. Thank you for all the useful information too.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Okay, we'll sign up too. Sounds like a way I can get more treats! I put the banner on my bloggie too!

  5. Count us in!!! I just posted about it on my blog and I'm going for the daily brushing with both of my guys. I'm going to take weekly pictures and see if the little build up that they have decreases over the course of the month. I didn't manage any pictures of me actually brushing the dogs' teeth tonight, but I did take pictures of what they're teeth look like right now. Here's the link:


Thanks for barking in!

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