Save the date: Karen Pryor's first ClickerExpo of 2011 will be held January 21-23, Hyatt Regency, Newport Beach, CA. More info here.
Good luck to the US representatives at the IFCS World Agility Championships, next weekend in Clevedon, North Somerset, UK. Team members include:
12" jump height:
Angie Benacquisto and Toy Fox Terrier, Duncan
Daneen Fox & Papillon, Masher
Janelle Julyan & Corgi, Eve
16" jump height:
Angie Benacquisto & Rat Terrier, Dylan
Suzanne Wesley & Poodle, Sonic (replacing Elizabeth Evans & Hemi (injury))
Rhonda Koeske & All-Breed, Tack
22" jump height:
Elise Lynch & BC, Ting
Kate Moureaux & BC, Driven
Stephanie Spyr & BC, Rage
26" jump height:
Rosanne DeMascio & BC, Drifter
Dudley Fontaine & BC, Maverick
Ann Zarr & BC, Skylar
For interviews with competitors visit the USDAA Website News Section.
Good luck to the US representatives at the IFCS World Agility Championships, next weekend in Clevedon, North Somerset, UK. Team members include:
12" jump height:
Angie Benacquisto and Toy Fox Terrier, Duncan
Daneen Fox & Papillon, Masher
Janelle Julyan & Corgi, Eve
16" jump height:
Angie Benacquisto & Rat Terrier, Dylan
Suzanne Wesley & Poodle, Sonic (replacing Elizabeth Evans & Hemi (injury))
Rhonda Koeske & All-Breed, Tack
22" jump height:
Elise Lynch & BC, Ting
Kate Moureaux & BC, Driven
Stephanie Spyr & BC, Rage
26" jump height:
Rosanne DeMascio & BC, Drifter
Dudley Fontaine & BC, Maverick
Ann Zarr & BC, Skylar
For interviews with competitors visit the USDAA Website News Section.
Congrats to those winning spots at the AKC World Team Tryouts this weekend for the FCI Agility World Championships in Reiden, Germany this coming October 1-3, 2010.
We hear lots of folks had a great time watching the live stream from Agility Vision. Would have loved to see it sitting back in some nice home theater seating, BOL, but we did a ton of hiking this past weekend - the weather was just too nice to stay inside.
See the results for rounds 1-5 here. The following won spots on the World Team at the Tryouts. The two remaining team spots for each jump height will be chosen by the Team Coach and the Team Captain using the dogs’ show record both during the year, performance at the AKC Nationals, as well as their performance at the Tryouts:
Marcy Mantell and Wave
Dee Anna Gamel and Kelsi
Karen Holik and Sizzle
Diane Goodspeed and her Sheltie Demon
Channan Fosty and her Border Collie Icon
Terry Smorch and his Border Collie Presto
Agility Vision has a listing of running orders, course maps and full results sheets from the weekend. You can also see info on their VOD and DVD's from the weekend, as well.
A fun video of agility handling in the forest...now that we have tons of trees around I think we may have to give this a try!
AgilityVision.com now has Agility iMap available for the iPad on iTunes. Here's a link to a YouTube demo. Agility iMap is the ultimate course designer for dog agility on the iPad. Design a course with your fingers (or paws!).
USDAA regionals get underway in a couple of weeks. First up the SE regional in Perry, GA, June 4-6, followed by RM in Farmington, UT, June 18-20. The remaining regionals are:
July 9-11 - Northwestern US, Auburn, WA
August 13-15 - South Central US, Fort Worth, TX
August 26-29 - Northeastern US, Logan Township, NJ
September 4-6 - Southwestern US, Prunedale, CA
September 10-12 - North Central US, Rochester Hills, MI
Qualifying events for the 2010 tournament season began September 14, 2009 and continue through September 12, 2010. Entries and fees for Cynosport, October 12 - October 17 - Louisville, Kentucky must be received no later than Tuesday, Tuesday, September 14.
July 9-11 - Northwestern US, Auburn, WA
August 13-15 - South Central US, Fort Worth, TX
August 26-29 - Northeastern US, Logan Township, NJ
September 4-6 - Southwestern US, Prunedale, CA
September 10-12 - North Central US, Rochester Hills, MI
Qualifying events for the 2010 tournament season began September 14, 2009 and continue through September 12, 2010. Entries and fees for Cynosport, October 12 - October 17 - Louisville, Kentucky must be received no later than Tuesday, Tuesday, September 14.
1.Dog lovers will love this: a lovely tribute to a very special dog written and sung by my sister Kathy. Shaman and Kathy were very close. She knew over 100 words. A very intelligent dog. http://www.kathymarshallmusic.com/shaman/