Peaches was purchased from a pet store in Connecticut in March of 2006. She was shipped from a puppy mill in Pennsylvania and arrived at the pet store the night before she was purchased.
Peaches suffered from colitis and respiratory ailments which seemed mild at first. But, like many puppy mill dogs, her body seemed resistant to normal antibiotic therapy. Despite thousands of dollars worth of veterinary care, her infections progressed over time. She died two months after purchase.
Every year, this time of year, thousands and thousands of puppies are shipped to pet stores all across the country.
Demand is high. Why? Because families are shopping at their local mall, or walk by a pet store, and see the incredibly cute puppies in the window. Perhaps, they've thought about getting a pup for a while. Why not now? After all it is Christmas. They walk in, meet and play with the cute little pup - who could resist that face, that soft ball of fluffy puppy fur? So they hand out hundreds of dollars for the cute little doggie in the window.
But did you know what goes on behind the scenes of this seemingly beautiful, picture perfect, Holiday moment? A very high price was paid for that cute little doggie in the window.
Throughout the US there are thousands and thousands of breeding facilities that produce puppies in incredibly large numbers, with the sole purpose of selling these pups to the public through the Internet and newspaper ads, at auctions, or to brokers and to the pet shops, in malls and strip centers across the country. And in preparation for Holiday time, production increases at an alarming rate to fill the demand.
The problem with puppy mills is the extensive over- and in-breeding of these poor pups, the lack of medical care, poor food and shelter, overcrowding and sometimes killing of unwanted animals. There is much suffering occurring in these horrible places, and the suffering often continues outside through inherited genetic diseases, illnesses and afflictions.
So much needs to happen to stop this cruel practice. Plain and simple what can you do this Holiday season to help? Don't buy a puppy from a pet store this Holiday season.
And if you'd like to help stop this horrific practice throughout the year, read my post on Puppy Mills, or visit StopPuppyMills.org to learn how you can help spread the word, and affect change.
Be responsible this Holiday season. And, if you must get a pup for your family, be sure you have thought it through with great care, and visit your local shelter or rescue. Great pups come from shelters, just ask me!
That is a very sad story. One that is sadly being repeated. Very good post.