We had a pretty good day, hope you did too! (And it's still good, 'cause it's just 7:30).
We got up late, had breakfast, then got our zoomies on. Then we rested a bit (and chased the cats some) while Mum worked. Mum and I completely updated the front page of
JohannTheDog.com and added some pawsome new toys, including some for tough dogs and big dogs! And she added in some great mud agility shoes for Spring.
Then she left us for a meeting, but came back in a couple of hours. She worked more on a client's website, then it was time for dinner! Then after our food went down we went out and got to do some agility again. Can't believe our luck that the weather has been good enough for us to do some agility play in the backyard? But it may not last, it's supposed to get into the 20s coming up in a day or two.
I worked on some nasty weave entrances. Always good to have in your repertoire, right? I didn't do to bad! Got in some teeter work, Mum is loving my recent teeter. Mum is also super happy with my motivation, my speed, and my enthusiasm. I've become a tugging maniac!
Gracie worked on some rear crosses, speed (since she just doesn't have the speed in our yard that she does at trials), and increasingly independent weaves. She's gettin' better all the time!
Working around today we found a couple of things we wanted to tell ya about. Check out this
pup tent we found on DogToy.com! It's on sale from $57.99 marked down to $29.99. If you have a pup that won't tear one of these up (like Gracie and I would), could be a super great deal.

We also found out today that
Bayer HealthCare is giving away $20 Veterinary Vouchers good toward preventive veterinary care (vaccinations, wellness exams, flea and tick treatment and prevention , heartworm preventative, dental care, etc.).
The vouchers are available from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM ET every hour on the hour until February 28, 2009. More than 80 vouchers are being distributed every hour. The best way we've heard to get a voucher is to fill out your form, and then hit submit at the very top of the hour. They are gone within just a few minutes at the beginning of each hour.
It kinda works like a rebate offer. Could be a good way to offset some of your pet's expenses during this tough economic time!
Also, over at our
Rescue Me blog this week we are featuring dogs in shelters and rescues that may make great agility teammates. So, if you're looking for a new teammate, check out the prospects. And if you know of a shelter/rescue dog that would love doing agility, let me know and I'll post about them.
Hope you all had a nice President's Day!